Youth Ministry

We have a vibrant group of youth at FCC. Joined by the youth from our sister church, Holy Community Covenant Church (HCCC), we get together regularly to learn, grow, and do life together. If you’re in grades 6 to 12, join us as we engage in our lives with Christ.

Bible Study

Walking with Jesus

Come together for Bible study and games. 645-830pm, the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.

Social Events

Join us one Friday a month for a fun event. We just hang out and get to know each other. Maybe we’ll go skating, have a Christmas party, do a BBQ, or get together for a games night. Check the FCC website calendar for more info.

Service Opportunities

Periodically, we participate with service opportunities in which the community of FCC or HCCC are taking part. Helping out in the neighbourhood, fundraisers, work days, and church meals are just a few of the many ways we contribute to the ministries.


Twice a year we join together for the weekend with a few other youth groups from the Covenant community of Southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan. We spend some focused time together learning about who God is and what He means for our lives, while enjoying the outdoors, good food, and fun times.

Contact our Youth Ministry

Check out the calendar for youth events!

Connect on Instagram